Cross Asset Exposure
The platform enables investors to access strategies across the whole asset class spectrum, utilising a single point of contact and a single reporting portal.

Flexibility in Delivery
The platform enables investors to choose from a wide range of delivery mechanisms to get exposure to their preferred strategies.

Transparency and Reporting Integrity
Through the Morgan Stanley Matrix platform, investors have access to a full suite of reporting from a single interface and will receive daily valuations.

Streamlined Implementation with Client-focused Service
The platform sits within the award winning Morgan Stanley Prime Brokerage offering and provides the commitment and experience of our 30 years in providing these services. A dedicated team are on hand to facilitate the entire onboarding process, ensuring a smooth and efficient launch.

Efficient and Transparent Pricing
The platform is designed to optimise the mix of services supplied by external service providers and those supplied by Morgan Stanley. For example, valuations for each strategy are calculated by external administrators.

Manager Efficiency
The platform allows asset managers to deliver the performance of their strategy to multiple investors from a single separately managed account. This enables managers to consolidate their trading activity into one account and focus on portfolio management.
Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc
20 Bank Street
Canary Wharf
London E14 4AD